Pharmacological action: Emollient, analgesic, expectorant, diuretic.
Medicinal use: Effective in all kinds of local inflammations, sores and ulcers. Also effective in internal inflammations and expectorant in colds, coughs, urinary irritations, gonorrhea, spermatorrhea and diarrhea.


Pharmacological action: Aphrodisiac and brain tonic.
Medicinal use: Effective in mental debility, indigestion, weak teeth and gums, skin ulcers, sores and eczema.


Pharmacological action: Digestive, astringent, sedative, anti-phlegmatic.
Medicinal use: Effective in phlegmatic cough, asthma, chronic dementia, insomnia, paralysis, neuralgia, and irritation of the kidney, uterus and bladder. Also useful in lung, bowel, and genito-urinary complaints such as cystitis.


Pharmacological action: Laxative, anticonstipatory, anthelmintic, resolvent.
Medicinal use: Effective in stomach disorders, glandular swelling, chronic ulcers, skin disorders.


Pharmacological action: Anthelmintic, analgesic, purgative.
Medicinal use: Effective in purging the body of phlegmatic and atrabilious humors. Prescribed in epilepsy, melancholia and insanity. Acts as a blood purifier, reduces inflammations and relieves pain in the stomach, fever and jaundice.


Pharmacological action: Anti-inflammatory, tonic for brain and liver.
Medicinal use: Effective in hysteria, epilepsy, nervous irritability, depression, migraine, intermittent fevers, liver and spleen inflammation, menstrual irregularities, facial paralysis, piles.


Pharmacological action: Resolvent and diuretic.
Medicinal use: Effective in stomatitis, bronchitis, chest and liver complaints, piles, and labor pain. Also useful in toothache, earache, chronic gonorrhea and leucorrhea.
