Pharmacological action: Anti-inflammatory and carminative.
Medicinal use: Effective in leucorrhoea, dyspepsia, infectious hepatitis, anaemic conditions.
Category: B
Bel Giri (Aegle marmelos) (Bael Fuit)
Pharmacological action: Mucilaginous, antidysenteric, antidiabetic.
Medicinal use: Effective in chronic dysentery, constipation, dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhea.
Behroza (Pinus roxburghii) (Pine)
Pharmacological action: Anti-inflammatory, laxative, expectorant and purgative.
Medicinal use: Effective in ulcers and abscesses, chronic bronchitis, enlarged liver, uterine inflammations, gleet and gonorrhea.
Behman Safed (Centaurea behen) (Behen)
Pharmacological action: Aphrodisiac, exhilarant and cardiac tonic.
Medicinal use: Effective in strengthening heart and improving memory, relieves sexual debility, thickens seminal fluid.
Beejband (Sida cordifolia) (Country Mallow)
Pharmacological action: Aphrodisiac, nervine and cardiac tonic, antispasmodic.
Medicinal use: Effective in spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, seminal weakness, urinary infections, gonorrhea, bleeding piles, leucorrhea, dysentery, paralysis, asthma, cardiac weakness.
Balsan (Comiphora stocksiana) (Balsam)
Pharmacological action: Anti-phlegmatic, demulcent, expectorant, carminative, diuretic.
Medicinal use: Effective in all kinds of inflammations, rheumatism, chronic dyspepsia, diarrhea, piles, bronchitis, pneumonia and whooping cough. Also acts as an aphrodisiac.
Pharmacological action: Tonic for digestive tract.
Medicinal use: Effective in diseases of the brain, eyes, nose and ears mainly caused due to digestive problems. Useful in diarrhea, dropsy, piles, enlargement for spleen, fevers, sore throat, cough, dyspepsia. Also used in constipation and strengthens stomach and intestine.
Badiyan (Foenuculum vulgare) (Fennel)
Pharmacological action: Carminative
Medicinal use: Effective in indigestion, abdominal pain, gastritis, bad breathe.
Pharmacological action: Exhilarant, carminative, cephalic tonic, cardiac.
Medicinal use: Effective in giddiness, bronchitis, griping, muscular pain, asthma, headache, scabies. Used as brain tonic and in hypochondriac conditions. Strengthens gums and improves mouth odor, and relieves toothache. Also effective as a cardiac tonic and relieves rheumatic pain and breast inflammation.
Badam (Prunus amygdalus) (Almond)
Pharmacological action: Nutritive, nervine tonic, aphrodisiac.
Medicinal use: Effective in mental fatigue, throat and chest congestion, weak eyesight, dry and wrinkled skin, constipation. Also used to increase and thicken semen.